ITECH 留學經驗分享會
ITECH Study Abroad Experience Sharing Session 主講者:郭乾君、陳芃安 邀請現於德國斯圖加特大學就讀的郭乾君與陳芃安來分享於 ITECH 中所進行的專案,並帶大家認識從數位設計到機器人製造的思維。
Augmented Reality and the Applications in Fabrication 主講者:許家碩、王宓琦協助:葉冠妤參與人數:15 透過 Grasshopper 與其外掛軟體 Fologram,帶大家認識虛實整合技術應於參數化設計及數位製造之方法,並以實體的保麗龍切割案例讓大家體驗虛實整合技術下所輔助的製造方式。
Instructor: Wei-Ting, HsiaoTA: Jia-Shuo HsuParticipants: 10 This workshop aims to introduce the use of discrete element design methods specifically tailored for designing bended aluminium rods. Participants will learn how to leverage these design techniques and subsequently utilise an industrial robot… Read More »機械手臂輔助金屬彎折工作營
Arthor: Jia-Shuo Hsu Advisor: Yang-Ting Shen This study aims to explore a non-linear design and manufacturing system executed under human judgement using immersive technology and robotic arm production, and attempts to introduce environmental information to enable the system to adapt… Read More »混合實境機器人協作工藝
Designers: Chien-Kai Kuo, Cheng-Wen Fu, Pak-Hei Wong, Chong-Ming Zheng, Yi-Xuan Lee, Zhi-YuanAdvisors: Yang-Ting Shen, Chia-Ching YenTA: Mi-Chi Wang, Lien-Kai Huang, You-Min Gao In this architectural project, we create a tree-like structure that gracefully blends in with the surrounding trees using… Read More »織蔭